intervox is communicating for Social Sustainability. Strategically or operatively as a highly committed service company. The small agency currently has two employees and hosts a big, well-adjusted network of specialists and media contacts. Established in 1966, it is the smallest and oldest owner-run PR agency of Germany, Austria, Switzerland.
We work fully bilingually in German and English. Et aussi proprement en Francais. Our direction of communications is into the German speaking markets of Germany, Austria and Switzerland with almost 100 million participants. Notre direction de communication approche les marchés de l’Allemagne, l’Autriche et la Suisse avec presque 100 million de participants.
As we have relaunched our website in July 2016, we are still working on the translation of our pages. Nous avons fait une „relaunch“ de notre site de web ein Juillet 2016 et sont en train de la traduire en Francais.
In the meantime, please refer to the translation tool here.
Pour le moment, pour la traduction, voulez-vous cliquer ici.
All other languages, please type in „“ on and make your choice of language.